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Explore Our Account Options

Select one of our instant funding accounts below to begin trading and getting paid your profits.

  • Beginner: $10,000

    Our beginner accounts are designed for traders still new to financial markets.
    • $1k profit target
    • 20% maximum loss
    • No minimum trading days
    • Overnight/weekend holding
  • Intermediate: $30,000

    Our intermediate accounts are tailored for traders with strong experience in financial markets.
    • $3k profit target
    • 20% maximum loss
    • No minimum trading days
    • Overnight/weekend holding
  • Advanced: $60,000

    Our advanced accounts are designed for traders with strong experience and extensive knowledge of financial markets.
    • $6k profit target
    • 20% maximum loss
    • No minimum trading days
    • Overnight/weekend holding
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